The River

December 2, 2014

Filled with effervescent and bubbling life, the river charges on completely oblivious to it’s surroundings. It sidesteps rocks in it’s way, and rushes over falls that would strike fear into the heart of any traveler. Sometimes bubbling, and sometimes quiet and serene, it knows the exact mood to match it’s surroundings. It’s a giver of life, reservoir of energy, and sustainer of weary travelers. ~ B.D.

That picture painted of a river is so much like a strong marriage and relationship with your spouse. Filled with energy and encouragement for each other, the two of you can persevere over any obstacle together. Things that would seem to stand in the way on the road you chose together instead lead you into another path. An intimate couple knows each other’s moods and acts accordingly … sometimes it’s the right time to be fun and adventurous, and sometimes all that she needs is a quiet cuddle. A strong marriage brings life and energy to both partners. Always giving to each other, neither one wants to stop the cycle of love that’s outpouring to each other.

We’re so excited for these two, and their upcoming marriage that they’ve already started with a relationship based on the Lord. And aren’t they just adorable together? I’m sure that their life together is going to be filled with so many more beautiful moments together, like these!

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