Five Years Together

September 11, 2012

One month ago to this date, we celebrated our five year anniversary. My first thought is, wow – has it really taken me that long to put these photos on the blog? My second thought is that time has really flown by, both in our first five years and since we celebrated our anniversary.

And then I remember that I was the one who forgot the tripod.

Yes, we got all the way to the beach and went to take some photos of ourselves and realized that I had forgotten to put the tripod in the car. I’m already not really a fan of tripods, setting a timer, and then running for a photo. But make that worse by trying to find a secure spot to stick the camera, then setting a timer and running into a photo. Ugh.

In the end, we had a great time relaxing with each other and just enjoying the beach … and our iPhones saved the day for a lot of picture taking :) But the important thing was we were together .. and laying in the bed each night watching the London Olympics, I remember why I fell in love with this girl in the first place. She gets a twinkle in her eye when she smiles into mine, and when I feel her beside me I know we can make it through anything. It might sound cliche, but she really is the perfect one for me …

Baby you got me ten feet off the ground, I’m talking too much and you don’t make a sound.
The prettiest face and those rockabye baby browns. All i’ve waited for’s come true … to be young and dumb and in love …
with you ~ Young and Dumb & In Love, Mat Kearney

Baby, the next five years are going to be even more amazing together …

xoxo, your guy

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