Us in Real Life: The Flu, Business Plans, and Sweet Brides

January 28, 2013

It feels like this year is just flying right along. The nasty flu that I’ve had for what feels like most of January hasn’t helped at all with my motivation, or actually getting many of the plans I had for this month accomplished! The last week and a half has been mostly sickness free for me now, but my voice is being very slow coming back (long nights of coughing will tend to have that effect!). I’ve had to cancel several events that would require long periods of speaking, just because my voice has gotten so hoarse that I sound like … well, maybe a horse? :)

But .. onward! Despite a rough start to the new year, we’ve had some wonderful things happening. One blessing is that we are booking this year very quickly for weddings, and have several bookings for 2014 already. And, we’ve been getting the sweetest brides and grooms … like Elise who brought us some banana muffins when we met with her a few days ago ❤

Anna bought me The E-Myth Revisited for Christmas, and a few days ago I started to dig into it. I’m halfway through the book and already hooked … so many of the stages that Michael talks about in the book are where we’ve found ourselves at various stages or currently in our business. I’m getting the feeling that by the end of the book, it’s going to have completely changed the way that I think about business, and I’ll be inspired to make several changes to streamline and create some long term plans. We will start to really run our business instead of letting it run us!

pink rose bridal bouquet

(Posts are always better with pretty pictures, and we still love this bouquet from Hannah’s wedding made by the talented Eliana Nunes)

Happy Monday, and have a wonderful week!

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